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HEMORREDE (Rio de Janeiro´s Blood Network) is the name given to all public Blood Centers, Transfusions Services and Hematology Care Units from the State of Rio de Janeiro. These facilities are classified according to the level of the activities and assistance coverage area.

Composition :

- HEMORIO – Blood Network Head
- 04 Regional blood center
- 21 Blood Center and transfusion services
- 1 transfusion and collection care agency
- 15 Transfusion Centers
- 60 transfusion agencies

Definition and nomenclature of each one listed above is written at RESOLUTION RDC-151, August 21, 2001 ANVISA / MS, which can be found at the site e – - subject: blood and blood products.

- HEMORIO - The Blood Network Coordinator. It´s a public hospital responding to the State Health Department, reference for Transfusion Medicine and Hematology Care for all Rio de Janeiro State.

- REGIONAL Blood Center - a public institution, reference for Transfusion Medicine and Hematology Care for a specific region of the State.

- Blood Center and Transfusion Services - public or private institution, reference for Transfusion Medicine and Hematology care for a smaller region.

- Fixed Site for Blood Donation - public or private institution.

- Transfusion Services -
located inside hospitals, they have blood components inventory and performs pre-transfusional tests. Blood bags are supplied by a Regional Blood Center or by a Transfusion Service.